NonStop Academy Technical Webinars
Register here to receive session schedule information.
Welcome to the NonStop Academy Technical Webinars program! This program is designed to provide you with monthly technical updates on “what’s new” in the NonStop world.
Each broadcast is designed to tell you what’s new, why it’s important, how you can use it, and where to go for more information. All presentations are recorded and available for your replay in the Technical Webinars Archive the new at no charge to you.
Topical areas covered in these broadcasts
- Open and application development
- HPE NonStop database
- Operations and system management
- Networking and communications
- HPE NonStop operating system
- HPE NonStop hardware and software updates
- New HPE NonStop technologies
Conference call information
- Calls will typically take place (generally) on the third Wednesday of every month from 9:00am – 10:00am US Pacific Time, 12:00pm-1:00pm US Eastern time
- One-hour presentations will feature technical presenters and allow plenty of time for your questions.
- The Webinars are presented with GoToWebinar using built in audio and video options. Additionally local worldwide numbers will be provided for audio .
- You can test your GoToWebinar setup using this link: GoToWebinar Attendee System Check for Classic Webinars
Stay informed about upcoming calls!
Complete this form to receive a monthly email announcing logistics for each call. Your email address will be used for the sole purpose of announcing or updating these calls and you may “opt out” at any time with a simple response email requesting to be removed from the list.