U4159S - Open System Services (OSS) for Guardian Developers

This 4-day class will provide you with the knowledge to use UNIX commands and utilities and to develop applications in the Open System Services (OSS) environment on HPE NonStop Servers. The lectures and labs will focus on OSS basics, commands, utilities and development tools. In addition you will be introduced to OSS application programmming inerface (API) usage and the OSS sockets interface. This class is targeted at Guardian knowledgeable developers who want to obtain a thorough grounding in the OSS environment.
Course duration: 4 days
Datasheet: datasheet
Start DateEnd DateLanguageTimeZoneVILT / ILTLocationEnroll
Sep 23, 2024Sep 26, 2024EnglishVILTVirtual (US/Central)Register
Oct 14, 2024Oct 17, 2024EnglishVILTVirtual (Europe/Amsterdam)Register