HH675S – Using NonStop Essentials with HPE Systems Insight Manager

This course prepares you to work with operational tools within the HPE Systems Insight Manager (HPSIM).
You will be introduced to NonStop Cluster Essentials, I/O Essentials, Software Essentials and Performance Essentials.
Topics include: cluster configuration/management, account creation/management, health summaries, managing tasks their categories, event viewer, running scripts,
installing components, alert notifications, agent configuration, security management, remote workstations, and inventory reports.
This 3-day course is 70 percent lecture and 30 percent hands-on labs using HPE servers.
Course duration: 3 days
Datasheet: datasheet

We are sorry. This coure is currently not scheduled.
Please send us an e-mail on learn@nonstop-academy.com if you want this the course scheduled